Las Vegas Nevada
Algeciras Spain
Rabat Morocco
Madrid Spain
Yaounde Cameroon
Douala Cameroon
Ababa Ethiopia
Ababa Photos
Lalibela Ethiopia
Axum Ethiopia
Gondar Ethiopia
Bangkok Thailand
Las Vegas Nevada

Addis Ababa National Museum: Chinese scroll hanging
on a wall in the museum annex. I snapped the picture to record the
aphorism at the top.

Addis Ababa National Museum: Sign at the entrance to the national museum
where the bones of "Lucy" are maintained on display.

Addis Ababa National Museum: Sculpture in the garden outside the
entrance to the national museum where the bones of "Lucy" are maintained
on display.

Addis Ababa National Museum: Directory showing contents of the museum
standing at the entrance to the museum.

Addis Ababa National Museum: Painting hanging on a
wall in the museum.

Addis Ababa National Museum: Sculpture of one of the national heroes on
display in the museum where the bones of "Lucy" are maintained on

Addis Ababa National Museum: This Ford automobile is the first car to
find its way into the country.

Addis Ababa National Museum: Sculpture of Emperor
Haile Selassie in the garden outside the entrance to the Lucy Restaurant
on the grounds of the national museum where the bones of "Lucy" are on

Addis Ababa National Museum: Sculpture of Emperor Haile Selassie in the
garden outside the entrance to the Lucy Restaurant on the grounds of the
National Museum where the bones of "Lucy" are on display.

Addis Ababa National Museum: Part of the lavishly landscaped garden that
serves diners at the Lucy Restaurant on the grounds of the national
museum where the bones of "Lucy" are maintained on display.

Addis Ababa 2012: Lucy Special Combo - $7.50 lunch in the Lucy
restaurant on the grounds of the National Museum where the remains of
"LUCY" are housed. The lunch disappointed, but the place filled quickly
with organized tour groups that make this an interesting stop on the

Addis Ababa National Museum: Leaving the museum one runs into this side
entrance to the Lucy Restaurant on the grounds of the national museum
where the bones of "Lucy" are maintained on display.

Addis Ababa National Museum: This is the main entrance to the Lucy
Restaurant on the grounds of the national museum where the bones of
"Lucy" are maintained on display.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Minaret seen in a neighborhood in the outskirts of
the city, but no mosque in sight.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Activity around the minibus station near the main
train depot downtown.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Ethiopia-Cuba Friendship Memorial Park Monument in
downtown Addis.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Book and magazine display on downtown street in
the center of town.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: People enjoying tea or coffee in one of the many
sidewalk cafes along the covered walkway in the center of town.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia Animal Market: On the way back to the hotel from
the animal market I pass this group of produce sellers including some
selling bundles of holiday grass needed for the coffee ceremony.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia Animal Market: This close to Ethiopian Christmas
(January 7) everyone is selling or buying bundles of long green grass
cuttings required for the festive coffee celebrations.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia Animal Market: Many people protect their heads and
faces from the blazing sun. This guy makes a jacket serve the purpose.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia Animal Market: It is Ethiopian Christmas day and
pelts from all the thousands of goats slaughtered for the annual feast
are already being collected for sale to the tanneries. The size of the
pelt piles grow by the hour until the collection truck arrives to take
them away.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia Animal Market: It is Ethiopian Christmas day and
this pelt dealer adds one more skin to his growing pile.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia Animal Market: After Christmas dinner goat pelts
are being collected by many dealers in this area near the upscale

Addis Ababa Ethiopia Animal Market: The dealer caught me photographing
his booty and snarled his command to stop taking pictures! Makes me
wonder if there is something illegal going on here.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia Animal Market: Shortly after grabbing this
clandestine photograph a pickup truck already half full of wet pelts
arrived and several guys tossed the limp skins into the cargo bed.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: People enjoying tea or coffee in one of the many
sidewalk cafes along the covered walkway in the center of town.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Plaque identifying the Haile Selassie Monument in
downtown Addis.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Ethiopia-Cuba Friendship Memorial Park Monument in
downtown Addis.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Close-up of the Ethiopia-Cuba Friendship Memorial
Park Monument in downtown Addis.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Another close-up of the Ethiopia-Cuba Friendship
Memorial Park Monument in downtown Addis.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Another close-up of the Ethiopia-Cuba Friendship
Memorial Park Monument in downtown Addis.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Unique silhouette section of the Ethiopia-Cuba
Friendship Memorial Park Monument in downtown Addis.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Ethiopia-Cuba Friendship Memorial Park Monument in
downtown Addis.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Ethiopia-Cuba Friendship Memorial Park Monument in
downtown Addis.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Ethiopia-Cuba Friendship Memorial Park Monument in
downtown Addis.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Ethiopia-Cuba Friendship Memorial Park Monument in
downtown Addis from another angle.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Used electronics parts store; Ethiopian style.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Donkey being led down the middle of the traffic
clogged street in the middle of the Grand Market. When I started to take
the picture more of the beast showed and the beggar had not entered the
frame. So much for bad timing.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: After talking with the store owner I snapped a
picture of the milling machines he sells. Bush? "I hate him!" was his
unequivocal response. "How about Obama?" I asked. "Don't like him much
either; he doesn't have any power to do the things he said he would do."
this from a Muslim Ethiopian. Wow!

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: One of the hoard of beggars working the area
around the mosques in the Grand Market this Friday when all Muslims are
required to give to the poor. Most of the donations I saw were very
small denomination coins: less than a cent to the largest amount of
about six cents, but most people approached by a beggar gave something.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Enterprising housewives grow beautiful produce and
sell it under the shady trees down every street in the city. Shoppers
need not walk far to find a carrot for tonight's soup.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Looking away from the main road back to the hotel
I spotted this sea of tin roofs protecting dwellings in one of the
residential areas.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Looking down into the
"pit" where anyone and everyone could spread out their offerings without
fear of the cops disrupting their efforts. I saw one young woman have
her shawl piled high with carrots scattered ruthlessly by a policeman's
stick and sharp words. I presume he was protecting the established
merchants from easy competition.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: For the longest time I missed these obscure bus
stop signs. The numbers refer to bus routes that stop here, but not all
stops have even these nearly invisible designations.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia Animal Market: On the way back to the hotel from the
animal market I spot people selling bundles of grass. Curious about the use
of the stuff I learned it is scattered around the floor of any space used in
the performance of the Ethiopian Coffee Ceremony I've seen performed in many
places including hotels and the airport departure lounge.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia Animal Market: On the way back to the hotel from the
animal market I spot people selling bundles of grass. Curious about the use
of the stuff I learned it is scattered around the floor of any space used in
the performance of the Ethiopian Coffee Ceremony I've seen performed in many
places including hotels and the airport departure lounge.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia Animal Market: Many people protect their heads and
faces from the blazing sun. This guy makes a jacket serve the purpose.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia Animal Market: It is Ethiopian Christmas day and pelts
from all the thousands of goats slaughtered for the annual feast are already
being collected for sale to the tanneries. The size of the pelt piles grow
by the hour until the collection truck arrives to take them away.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Shopping malls like this one pop up down alleyways
along main streets throughout the city.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: I saw this bilingual sign for a business
management service and thought of the famous Rosetta Stone. When the
store owner saw my interest in his sign he came out and wiped the
covering glass clean for my photo and then showed interest in my camera.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: This is the manager of the business management
service displaying the bilingual sign I photographed. He took an
interest in my photographic activities and I grabbed a sly photo.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: The hotel manager drove me out to see the
operation of a highly acclaimed traditional healer... who was out. This
is the entrance to his home directly across from the entrance to his
"offices" down a nondescript alleyway.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: The hotel manager drove me out to see the
operation of a highly acclaimed traditional healer... who was out. This
is the entrance to his "offices" directly across from the entrance to
his home down a nondescript alleyway.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Storage containers for medicinal preparations in
the attached shed next to the doctor's office. The hotel manager drove
me out to see the operation of this highly acclaimed traditional
healer... who was out.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Storage containers for medicinal preparations in
the attached shed next to the doctor's office. The hotel manager drove
me out to see the operation of this highly acclaimed traditional
healer... who was out.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Mural depicting the Italian War in which the
doctor distinguished himself as a hero adding to his reputation as a
healer. Everyone we stopped on the way to his offices knew of the guy
and directed us to the compound we were looking for.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Part of the waiting rooms in the doctor's
compound. The hotel manager drove me out to see the operation of this
highly acclaimed traditional healer... who was out.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Part of the waiting rooms in the doctor's
compound. The Jupiter Hotel manager drove me out to see the operation of
this highly acclaimed traditional healer... who was out.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: In the courtyard of the healer's treatment area I
spotted these herbs drying in the sun.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: This is Antro Korajlan, Deputy Mgr of the Jupiter
Hotel where I stayed most of my time in the city. He is inspecting
products on display in a traditional medicine pharmacy. Actually, most
of the products were teas, herbs and aroma therapy products.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Products on display in a traditional medicine
pharmacy. Actually, most of the products were teas, herbs and aroma
therapy products.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Products on display in a traditional medicine
pharmacy. Actually, most of the products were teas, herbs and aroma
therapy products. However, one must not forget that throughout Ethiopia
shops like this one serve as the principle source of medical treatment

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: This photo is a reminder that there are many
Christian evangelical churches in Addis Ababa, this sign designating the
location of one.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: December 17 the faithful Ethiopian Orthodox
observe Epiphany, the time when Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist
according to Biblical accounts. This large group of children dressed in
white march while chanting the liturgy prescribed for the holy day.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: December 17 the faithful Ethiopian Orthodox
observe Epiphany, the time when Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist
according to Biblical accounts. The banner being held by the children
announce the church affiliations of the kids.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Toothbrush seller on the street making a sale to a
gentleman in a suit. Here, short sticks are chewed until the frayed ends can
be used to clean teeth.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: December 17 the faithful Ethiopian Orthodox
observe Epiphany. There must be a couple hundred school age children in
this bunch, all clapping and chanting in unison.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Full view of the mosaic depicting the stoning of
Saint Stephen over the main door into the St. Stephen Church near the UN
Organization for African Unity headquarters.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Plaque hanging on an exterior wall of the St.
Stephen Church near the UN Organization for African Unity headquarters.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Mosaic wall decoration around the main door into
the St. Stephen Church near the UN Organization for African Unity

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Scattered green grass remains on the marble entry
floor in front of the St. Stephen Church entrance.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Donation boxes like this one can be seen at every
point of interest around the grounds of the St. Stephen Church.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: One of the shrines venerated on the grounds of the
Saint Stephen Church near the UN Organization for African Unity

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: One of the shrines being venerated by visitors to
the Saint Stephen Church near the UN Organization for African Unity

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Looking down the portico that runs across the
front of the St. Stephen Church entrance I see one of the church elders
and a nun further back in the garden.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Green grass scattered along the walkway in the
front of the Saint Stephen Church near the UN Organization for African
Unity headquarters. It is a symbol of hope and renewal.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Bell tower rises to the south of the main St.
Stephen Church entrance.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: These nuns wander the grounds of the church among
many parishioners visiting the Saint Stephen Church near the UN
Organization for African Unity headquarters.
January 2012
Hello from Addis
Ababa Ethiopia
On this auxiliary page are all the rest
of the huge number of photographs taken while exploring the Ethiopian
capital city of Addis Ababa.
Two things will always remind me of Ethiopia: flies and
coffee. The flies here attack incessantly and seem to focus on the eyes,
corners of the mouth and nostrils. As soon as I brush them away from one
spot they are back buzzing around a different place. Escaping inside a
building or even its shade usually provides relief; bright sunlight
exacerbates the problem. I now understand better all the scenes we see
on TV with tiny emaciated children pretty much ignoring the little
pests. Eventually people must reach a point where they understand visits
by flies are inevitable and just let the little beasties feed. Like a
horse's tail, my hands are constantly brushing over my face to
discourage landings on my sensitive parts... excerpted from and
continued on the main Addis Ababa postcard page.

Addis Ababa National Museum: Details of the Chinese scroll hanging on a
wall in the museum annex. I took the photo to remember the sentiment
recorded at the top.

Addis Ababa National Museum: Art hanging on a wall
in the museum.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia Animal Market: Unexpectedly I came upon this huge
mob of people and animals loitering in a level field on the way back to
the hotel. It turned out to be the year's largest weekly animal market
as the following day would be the Ethiopian Christmas day when families
traditionally have great meat feasts. These are Christmas dinners on the

Addis Ababa Ethiopia Animal Market: Buyers and sellers haggle over
prices during the year's largest weekly animal market as the following
day would be the Ethiopian Christmas day when families traditionally
have great meat feasts.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia Animal Market: Satisfied with their shopping
efforts, buyers leave the year's largest animal market: some empty
handed, but many with their Christmas dinner in hand. Some sheep and
goats are carried home on the shoulders of the buyer, others are
"wheeled" home by forcing the animal to walk on their forelegs while
being held up by their rear legs: like a wheelbarrow!

Addis Ababa Ethiopia Animal Market: Eager buyers and anxious sellers
negotiate in a level field on the way back to the hotel. It is the
year's largest weekly animal market as the following day will be the
Ethiopian Christmas day when families traditionally have great meat

Addis Ababa Ethiopia Animal Market: Eager buyers and anxious sellers
negotiate in a level field on the way back to the hotel. It is the
year's largest weekly animal market as the following day will be the
Ethiopian Christmas day when families traditionally have great meat

Addis Ababa Ethiopia Animal Market: Lots of kids help parents. It is the year's largest weekly
animal market as the following day will be the Ethiopian Christmas day
when families traditionally feast on goat meat and mutton.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia Animal Market: A goat is led to it's doom by a guy
who's family will have a feast tomorrow.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia Animal Market: Buyers leave the year's largest animal market with their Christmas dinner in hand.
Notice the grin of satisfaction on the guy carrying his purchase across
his shoulders.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia Animal Market: On the way back to the hotel from
the animal market I spot people selling bundles of grass. Curious about
the use of the stuff I learned it is scattered around the floor of any
space used in the performance of the Ethiopian Coffee Ceremony I've seen
performed in many places including hotels and the airport departure

Addis Ababa Ethiopia Animal Market: As I tried to take a picture of
people selling bundles of grass these two chaps bolted in front of my

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Ethiopia-Cuba Friendship Memorial Park Monument in
downtown Addis.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Close-up of a section of the Ethiopia-Cuba
Friendship Memorial Park Monument in downtown Addis.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Close-up of another section of the Ethiopia-Cuba
Friendship Memorial Park Monument in downtown Addis.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Close-up of another section of the Ethiopia-Cuba
Friendship Memorial Park Monument in downtown Addis.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Another part of the Ethiopia-Cuba Friendship
Memorial Park Monument in downtown Addis.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Close-up of a section of the Ethiopia-Cuba
Friendship Memorial Park Monument in downtown Addis.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Plaque marking the Ethiopia-Cuba Friendship
Memorial Park Monument in downtown Addis.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Mortar Monument erected in the middle of a traffic
circle in downtown Addis.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Stacked bags of charcoal seen in one of the
neighborhoods in the outskirts of the city during one of my long walks.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Many of the streets are paved with these uneven
flat stones in the neighborhoods around the city center.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: I found it interesting that a small country like
Ethiopia would have such an organization. It makes me wonder what might
be the source of the "radiation," natural or man made? As a newly
UCB physicist at
N.O.T.S. one of my jobs involved radiation safety aboard Naval

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: I took this picture to show the construction
techniques traditionally used in building houses here.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Another picture to show the construction
techniques traditionally used in building houses here.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Flags of all the nations which are a part of the
United Nations Organization of African Unity.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: This photo was taken during a high mass being
broadcast over loud speakers to a congregation scattered around the
grounds. At certain points in the service some worshipers touched their
foreheads to the ground like Muslims do during their services.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: I passed this basket weaving craftsman working
near a stand of bamboo along the river near my hotel.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Chili peppers drying in the sun on one of the
sidewalks in downtown Addis.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: It seemed like every other structure was under
construction throughout the city. This example is in the middle of the
old Grand Market, the "Merkato" where I spent a morning before walking
the #39 bus route back to the hotel.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia:Minibuses and taxis carry cargo on their roofs as
well as passengers. This shot is in the middle of the Merkato, grand

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: As I tried to snap a picture of the vender the guy
in the overcoat stepped in the way, but that just gave the other people
another reason to see what I was doing.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: On a street corner in the middle of the
unbelievably busy shopping streets in the middle of the Merkato I
spotted these cute kids "protecting" the sleeping body of their
mother... I presume.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: On a street corner in the middle of the
unbelievably busy shopping streets in the middle of the Merkato I
spotted these cute kids "protecting" the sleeping body of their
mother... I presume.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Venders carrying their wares on their heads and
never miss an opportunity to show off their stuff... even to people
struggling to get their cars parked in cramped quarters.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Some of the street venders clogging the sidewalks
throughout the huge grand market, the Merkato.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Every square centimeter of sitting or standing
space is occupied by someone selling or buying something most of the
day, no matter what the weather and it is hot most of the time.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Impromptu produce markets like this spring up
where ever there is an empty sidewalk: a shady spot is a premium spot.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Shopping mall selling just about anything you
might want, Ethiopian style in the low rent district.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Another view of the shopping mall selling just
about anything you might want. Large corner spaces with a patch of shade
are premium locations downtown.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Unemployment rates are astronomical in Ethiopia so
there are a lot of shoe shine "boys" of all ages. Shines go for six to
twelve cents, unless your skin is white and then the sky is the limit.
The same strategy goes for cab rides, but that is not so unusual
anywhere in the world.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Herbal or spice seller; I'm not sure. This is a
very common sight throughout the city.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Wheelbarrow, home grown style. The "wheels" are a
pair of roller barrings scrounged from some discarded equipment, I
presume; very resourceful. I saw quite a few of these contraptions in
use throughout the city. Of course, there are also plenty of real
wheelbarrows in use as well, but none cheaper to acquire than these.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia:
Tiff drying in the sun on a sidewalk near the hotel. Tiff, like
barley is one of the staple foods of rural Ethiopia. A spongy crape-like
bread called
Injera is made from the flower.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Passengers buying tickets from the conductor
before entering the front door of the bus.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: All that is visible of the Menelik Mausoleum which
I visited with Sanna, a Dutch Red Cross attorney stationed in Addis
Ababa. The place turned out to be a tourist trap with an "entry fee" of
100 Birr demanded on exit! Sanna rationalized the experience a
consequence of all the poor people in the country. I felt less

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Toothbrush seller on the street making a sale to a
gentleman in a suit. Here, short sticks are chewed until the frayed ends
can be used to clean teeth.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Typical display of African toothbrushes seen
throughout the continent. These short sticks are chewed until the frayed
ends can be used to clean teeth.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: This photo is a reminder that the main oil company
in Ethiopia seems to be OiLybia.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: This is the front of the St. Stevens Church near
the UN Organization for African Unity headquarters. I visited it several
times after learning the priest performed healing sessions several times
a month... using Holy Water: both drinking and dunking. Many stories
confirm those who believe may be healed of a diverse range of
afflictions... most likely by their own minds!

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: This is the south side of the Saint Stephen Church
near the UN Organization for African Unity headquarters. I visited it
several times after learning the priest performed healing sessions
several times a month.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: One of the parishioners seen on the grounds of the
Saint Stephen Church near the UN Organization for African Unity

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Some of the parishioners seen on the grounds of
the Saint Stephen Church near the UN Organization for African Unity
headquarters. Different costumes; different ethnicities, but church
ladies having much in common with their counterparts in other

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Closer view of the main
subject matter in the mosaic depicting the stoning of
Saint Stephen over the main door into the St. Stephen Church near
the UN Organization for African Unity headquarters.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: At the Menelik Mausoleum Sanna befriends a group
of the youthful touts herding naive tourists into the trap. We parted
ways when she informed me the little hustlers had accepted her offer of
CocaCola refreshments. My own reactions to their devious behavior made
it impossible for me to feel charitable, something I continue to lament
in retrospect.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: One of the parishioners seen on the grounds of the
Saint Stephen Church near the UN Organization for African Unity
headquarters. Many people in their "Sunday suits" loiter about the
grounds of the church, some obviously praying while others seemed to be
doing the Ethiopian equivalent of meditation.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Green grass scattered on the walkway in the front
of the Saint Stephen Church near the UN Organization for African Unity
headquarters. It is a symbol of hope and renewal.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Another of the parishioners seen on the grounds of
the Saint Stephen Church near the UN Organization for African Unity
headquarters. This lady waits near the alcove where the healing sessions
take place, though nothing seemed to be happening while I studied the

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: These two kids decided to become my volunteer
guides while on the grounds of the St. Stephen Church near the UN
Organization for African Unity headquarters. While eager to be near the
foreigner, these kids behaved more like well trained docents than
typical undisciplined adolescents.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Map of Africa showing
the location of Ethiopia with Eritrea to the north and Somalia to the east.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Reception desk in the 4 star $100 Jupiter Hotel
where I have never seen so many sincerely smiling faces. Every staff
member behind the desk clearly had been trained to make every guest feel
welcome. The manager told me he has instructed staff with guest contact
to treat each of us like members of their own family... which they do.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Painting hanging on the hall wall near my room in
the Jupiter Hotel.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia Animal Market: Lots of kids help parents in a level
field on the way back to the hotel. It is the year's largest weekly animal
market as the following day will be the Ethiopian Christmas day when
families traditionally have great meat feasts.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia Animal Market: A good many people leave the market area
empty handed.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia Animal Market: Not everyone is anxious to go home.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Entrance to the 4 star
$100 Jupiter Hotel with $70 holiday rates which the manager extended for
the duration of my stay in Addis Ababa. The new Radisson Blu opened this
month on the property adjacent to the Jupiter Hotel.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: The desk in my room in the Jupiter Hotel where I
spent a good deal of time working on "postcards" and processing the
contents of my camera.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: View of the neighborhood surrounding the
Intercontinental Hotel as seen from my eighth floor window.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Entrance to the 4 star
$100 Jupiter Hotel with $70 holiday rates which the manager extended for
the duration of my stay in Addis Ababa. It is an excellent lodge where
the staff attempts to offer five star service,,, and generally succeeds
in my opinion. Internet connections
suffered from server interruptions daily and swarms of beggars hounded
me on most forays into the surrounding neighborhoods.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: My Acer Netbook is a principle means of working
with the Internet at the desk in my room in the Jupiter Hotel. The tiny
keyboard makes touch typing cramped and the touch pad is difficult to
avoid touching and leads to frequent errors of text placement when
inadvertently brushed during text entry.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Welcome banner hanging in the lobby of the 4 star
$100 Jupiter Hotel showing the reason my great $70 rate could not be
extended and why all of the upscale hotels in Addis suddenly became
fully booked during the Summit.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: One of the lounging areas inside the bar area of
the four star Jupiter Hotel where I stayed most of my time in the city.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Painting hanging on the lobby wall in the Jupiter
Hotel: one of a series by the same artist.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Sign pointing to the entrance to the $60 holiday
rate Nigist Guest House in the building adjacent to the $170 Hotel
Intercontinental which I used for my first night in the city out of
desperation. The guest house offers studio apartments with hotel
housekeeping services... but no breakfast... and the Internet WiFi and
cable failed to work for both days I stayed there.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Entrance to the $60 holiday rate Nigist Guest
House in the building adjacent to the $170 Hotel Intercontinental which
I used for my first night in the city out of desperation. The guest
house is an excellent value and meets my minimum standards quality and
cleanliness, but the Internet connection failed to work... probably the
server and not the hotel's fault.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: View of the surrounding neighborhood from my
eighth floor room in the Nigist Towers Guest House where I stayed a
couple nights.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: That is the five star Intercontinental Hotel in
the background surrounded by other structures still under construction.
In the foreground is a flock of goats getting ready to rest for the
night. Herders run their flocks all over the city without much regard
for vehicular traffic which always seems to stop for the creatures.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia Animal Market: Herds of sheep and goats wandered
the streets around the hotels as herders tried to sell their animals
without going all the way up to the official market grounds. I watched
as numerous sale transactions took place while I finished my lunch near
all the activities.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia Animal Market: Herds of sheep and goats wandered
the streets around the hotels as herders tried to sell their animals
without going all the way up to the official market grounds. I watched
as numerous sale transactions took place while I finished my lunch near
all the activities.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia Animal Market: Herds of sheep and goats wandered
the streets around the hotels as herders tried to sell their animals
without going all the way up to the official market grounds. I watched
as numerous sale transactions took place while I finished my lunch near
all the activities.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia Animal Market: Herds of sheep and goats wandered
the streets around the hotels as herders tried to sell their animals
without going all the way up to the official market grounds. I watched
as numerous sale transactions took place while I finished my lunch near
all the activities.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia Animal Market: Herds of sheep and goats wandered
the streets around the hotels as herders tried to sell their animals
without going all the way up to the official market grounds. I watched
as numerous sale transactions took place while I finished my lunch near
all the activities.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia Animal Market: Herds of sheep and goats wandered
the streets around the hotels as herders tried to sell their animals
without going all the way up to the official market grounds. I watched
as numerous sale transactions took place while I finished my lunch near
all the activities.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia Animal Market: On the way up to the British Embassy
behind which I had hoped to find the ruins of the Washa Mikael church, a
rock-hewn church I spotted this makeshift street light. After giving up
on finding the ruins in the mountains I headed back down toward the city
and ran into the huge animal market where people were buying their
Christmas dinners... on the hoof.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia Animal Market: On the way up to the British Embassy
behind which I had hoped to find the ruins of the Washa Mikael rock-hewn
church I spotted this barbed wire deterrent atop a high wall/. After
giving up on finding the ruins in the mountains I headed back down
toward the city and ran into the huge animal market where people were
buying their Christmas dinners... on the hoof.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia Animal Market: Wandering the hills around the
British Embassy I ran into the huge animal market where people were
buying their Christmas dinners... on the hoof. These are some of the
animals heading to the market.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia Animal Market: Wandering the hills around the
British Embassy I ran into the huge animal market where people were
buying their Christmas dinners... on the hoof. These are some of the
animals heading to the market.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia Animal Market: Wandering the hills around the
British Embassy I ran into the huge animal market where people were
buying their Christmas dinners... on the hoof. These are some of the
animals heading to the market.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia Animal Market: Wandering the hills around the
British Embassy I ran into the huge animal market where people were
buying their Christmas dinners... on the hoof. These are some of the
animals heading to the market.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia Animal Market: Wandering the hills around the
British Embassy looking for the unmarked path up to the Washa Mikael
church ruins I attracted this group of small boys who seemed to be
trying to help me find the church.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia Animal Market: After failing to find the Washa
Mikael church ruins I headed back down the mountain and ran into this
long flight of stone stairs, probably created to make it easy to reach
the old church.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia Animal Market: After failing to find the Washa
Mikael church ruins I headed back down the mountain and ran into this
long flight of stone stairs, probably created to make it easy to reach
the old church. One of the residents along the flight told me the church
could be reached in about twenty minutes from this point, so I got
pretty close to it.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia Animal Market: Most people buy sheep or goats, but
I saw many cattle being offered as well.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia Animal Market: Eager buyers and anxious sellers
negotiate in a level field on the way back to the hotel. It is the
year's largest weekly animal market as the following day will be the
Ethiopian Christmas day when families traditionally have great meat

Addis Ababa Ethiopia Animal Market: Satisfied with their shopping
efforts, buyers leave the year's largest animal market: some empty
handed, but many with their Christmas dinner in hand. Some sheep and
goats are carried home on the shoulders of the buyer, others are
"wheeled" home by forcing the animal to walk on their forelegs while
being held up by their rear legs: like a wheelbarrow!

Addis Ababa Ethiopia Animal Market: Lots of kids help parents in a level
field on the way back to the hotel. It is the year's largest weekly
animal market as the following day will be the Ethiopian Christmas day
when families traditionally have great meat feasts.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia Animal Market: This barber in his pink apron made
me wonder if he might specialize in hair cuts for women.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia Animal Market: Unexpectedly I came upon this huge
mob of people and animals loitering in a level field on the way back to
the hotel. It turned out to be the year's largest weekly animal market
as the following day would be the Ethiopian Christmas day when families
traditionally have great meat feasts. These are people shopping for
Christmas dinners on the hoof.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia Animal Market: As I leave the animal market grounds
I discover this row of barber "shops." My curiosity provokes a
reciprocal response from the barbers who beckon for me to come on in for
a haircut.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia Animal Market: I stopped to watch this
artist at work. Judging by the rapt attention of his audience his performance seems to be a popular spectator sport.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia Animal Market: Eager buyers and anxious sellers
negotiate in a level field on the way back to the hotel. It is the
year's largest weekly animal market as the following day will be the
Ethiopian Christmas day when families traditionally have great meat

Addis Ababa Ethiopia Animal Market: Eager buyers and anxious sellers
negotiate in a level field on the way back to the hotel. It is the
year's largest weekly animal market as the following day will be the
Ethiopian Christmas day when families traditionally have great meat

Addis Ababa Ethiopia Animal Market: Eager buyers and anxious sellers
negotiate in a level field on the way back to the hotel. It is the
year's largest weekly animal market as the following day will be the
Ethiopian Christmas day when families traditionally have great meat

Addis Ababa Ethiopia Animal Market: Satisfied with their shopping
efforts, buyers leave the year's largest animal market: some empty
handed, but many with their Christmas dinner in hand. Some sheep and
goats are carried home on the shoulders of the buyer, others are
"wheeled" home by forcing the animal to walk on their forelegs while
being held up by their rear legs: like a wheelbarrow!

Addis Ababa Ethiopia Animal Market: Satisfied with their shopping
efforts, buyers leave the year's largest animal market: some empty
handed, but many with their Christmas dinner in hand. Some sheep and
goats are carried home on the shoulders of the buyer, others are
"wheeled" home by forcing the animal to walk on their forelegs while
being held up by their rear legs: like a wheelbarrow!

Addis Ababa Ethiopia Animal Market: Satisfied with their shopping
efforts, buyers leave the year's largest animal market: some empty
handed, but many with their Christmas dinner in hand. Some sheep and
goats are carried home on the shoulders of the buyer, others are
"wheeled" home by forcing the animal to walk on their forelegs while
being held up by their rear legs: like a wheelbarrow!

Addis Ababa Ethiopia Animal Market: Buyers leave the year's largest
animal market: some empty handed like this guy.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia Animal Market: No fancy dressers in this crowd of
shoppers. Buying an animal is dirty business.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia Animal Market: Guy with an attitude among the
steady stream of shoppers leaving the market grounds.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia Animal Market: While the market is mainly for
livestock, other products like charcoal are also on offer as evidenced
by this guy carrying the bulging sack on his head.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia Animal Market: Not many people in business suits
are seen in the dusty fields of the animal market: this guy is an
anomaly. Notice the sheep and goats being carried home on the shoulders
of the buyer while the goat is being "wheeled" home like a wheelbarrow!

Addis Ababa Ethiopia Animal Market: Very dusty around the animal market;
the guy in the suit covers his nose to escape breathing the dust.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia Animal Market: This young man struggles with his
uncooperative load. This mode of transport must be pretty uncomfortable
for the animals, too. Dad turns to shout some encouragement to his boys.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia Animal Market: Goats heading for... you know what.
One becomes a wheel barrow; the other gets to ride to his last supper. I
doubt either animal is all that happy about their life right now.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia Animal Market: Many men carry a cane, often used as
arm rests across their shoulders behind their necks or to hold a bundle
of belongings as they walk.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia Animal Market: This guy has a bag of charcoal on
his head, the preferred way to carry anything heavy.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia Animal Market: I crouch behind this pile of hay
bales to more leisurely watch the parade of goat shoppers gallop by on
their way home to prepare for the feast tomorrow.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia Animal Market: A good many people leave the market
area empty handed.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia Animal Market: Not everyone is anxious to go home.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: The old guy in the middle of the photo is a beggar
who entranced me with his unusual approach.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: I found the knowledge of cooperation between India
and Africa intriguing.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Sculpture on one side of an entrance to an
Ethiopian Orthodox church near the center of the city. I notice the
non-African features of the image of Christ.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: One of the entrances to the Ethiopian Orthodox
church I visited during a time when a high mass was in progress. There
were more beggars outside around the church than worshipers inside.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: This is the man who seeing me standing on the
first Addis Ababa city bus I ventured to ride stood and insisted I take
his seat. I tried to decline, but he adamantly insisted. I made a clumsy
effort to take his picture unobserved, but this is what I got: he seems
to be looking right into the lens. I've wondered what he might be
thinking after seeing this photo.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Some of the street
venders clogging the sidewalks throughout the huge grand market, the

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Some of the street venders vie with pedestrians
clogging the sidewalks throughout the huge grand market, the Merkato.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Used electronics parts store; Ethiopian style.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Monument erected in the middle of a traffic circle
that I passed while walking on my way back to the hotel.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Giant sculpture of bird serves as peace symbol for
a local organization's headquarters.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: At the entrance to the cathedral downtown I
watched as people paused and paid respect to the sacred site, many
approaching the gate posts and kissing them before moving on.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Men gather after Christmas to chat over an endless
delivery of beers in a tiny outdoors drinking area near the hotel. There
were a half dozen tables full of happy guys like this one.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Crossing a bridge on one of my walks back from
exploring the central business district I spotted this typical shanty
area under the bridge.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Crossing a bridge on one of my walks back from
exploring the central business district I spotted this typical shanty
area under the bridge.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Another view of this typical shanty area under the

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Main street running by this typical shanty area
under the bridge.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Creating shelter is always a priority and this
person solves the problem with a collection of discarded pasteboard

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: At the Menelik Mausoleum Sanna befriends a group
of the youthful touts herding naive tourists into the trap.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: At the Menelik Mausoleum Sanna befriends a group
of the youthful touts herding naive tourists into the trap.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: This is the Menelik Mausoleum building that I
found underwhelming, especially after being forced to pay a 100 Birr
entrance fee as I tried to leave the uninteresting dark interior.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Mosaic depicting the stoning of Saint Stephen over the
main door into the St. Stephen Church near the UN Organization for African
Unity headquarters.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Bell tower next to the Saint Stephen Church near
the UN Organization for African Unity headquarters. I visited it several
times after learning the priest performed healing sessions several times
a month... using Holy Water: both drinking and dunking, but never
witnessed a performance.

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: Donation boxes like this one can be seen at every
point of interest around the grounds of the St. Stephen Church. Notice
the tamper label and locks; not every visitor is on a holy pilgrimage

Addis Ababa Ethiopia: One of the priests seen on the grounds of the
Saint Stephen Church near the UN Organization for African Unity