Postcards from:
Big Bear Lake USA
San Jose Costa Rica
Granada Nicaragua
Managua Nicaragua
San Salvador ElSalvador
Tegucigalpa Honduras
San Pedro Sula Honduras
Copan Ruinas Honduras
La Ceiba Honduras
Utila Island Honduras
La Ceiba Honduras
San Pedro Sula Honduras
Belmopan Belize
Belize City Belize
Orange Walk Belize
Mayan Ruins
Panama City Panama
Bogata Colombia
Cali Colombia
Popayan Colombia
Ipiales Colombia
Quito Ecuador
Galapagos Is. Ecuador
Puerto Ayoro Galapagos
Guayaquil Ecuador
Cuenca Ecuador
Tumbes Peru
Lima Peru
Nazca Peru
Cuzco Peru
Ollantaytambo Peru
Machu Picchu Peru
Machu Picchu Photos
Cuzco Again
Lake Titicaca Peru
Lake Titicaca Photos
Copacabana Bolivia
La Paz Bolivia
Arica Chile
Iquique Chile
Antofagasta Chile
Santiago Chile 1
Valparaiso Chile
Santiago Chile 2
Easter Island Chile
Santiago Chile 3
Chillan Chile
Valdivia Chile
Puerto Montt Chile
Castro Chile
Chaiten Chile
Coyhaique Chile
Puerto Chacabuco Chile
Coyhaique Chile
Punta Arenas Chile
Puerto Natales Chile
Punta Arenas Chile
Puerto Williams Chile
Ushuaia Argentina
Buenos Aires Argentina
Puerto Iguazu Argentina
Montevideo Uruguay
Colonia Uraguay
Caracas Venezuela
Ciudad Bolivar Venezuela
Puerto Ordaz Venezuela
Porlamar Venezuela
PortOSpain Trinidad
Georgetown Guyana
Corriverton Guyana
Paramaribo Suriname
Cayenne French Guiana
Pointa A Pitre Guadaloupe
Gosier Guadeloupe
Dominican Republic
Miami Florida
Back Home in California

Huaquillas Ecuador & Peru
border: Photos taken of a vendor and his baby son at the border crossing
into Peru from Ecuador.

Huaquillas Ecuador & Peru border: Photos taken at the border crossing into
Peru from Ecuador. Some sort of rally in front of the police station ties up
motor traffic going into Peru. Notice the guy in the yellow shirt giving me
a thumb's up.

Huaquillas Ecuador & Peru border: Photos taken at the border crossing into
Peru from Ecuador. Some sort of rally in front of the police station ties up
motor traffic going into Peru. Notice the guy in the yellow shirt giving me
a thumb's up.

Tumbes Peru: "Jesus loves me" in Spanish. Posters like this are not unusual.

Tumbes Peru: Looking down the main pedestrian shopping mall.

Tumbes Peru: Monument at one end of the central plaza.

Tumbes Peru: Small park across from the best hotel in town.

Tumbes Peru: Sculpture in the central plaza.

Tumbes Peru: Fallen blossoms under one of the many trees like this which
produces a heavy squash-like fruit. At this time of year cleaning up the
blossoms is a full time job for a couple people around the central plaza.

Tumbes Peru: Fallen blossoms under one of the many trees like this which
produces a heavy squash-like fruit. At this time of year cleaning up the
blossoms is a full time job for a couple people around the central plaza.
Minutes after she had cleaned up this area more blossoms had fallen.

Tumbes Peru: Bag of fallen blossoms. At this time of year cleaning up the
blossoms is a full time job for a couple people around the central plaza.

Tumbes Peru: Artistic mosaic covered stage on one side of the central plaza.

Tumbes Peru: Artistic mosaic covered stage on one side of the central plaza.

Tumbes Peru: Artistic mosaic covered stage on one side of the central plaza.

Tumbes Peru: Artistic mosaic covered stage on one side of the central plaza.
Back side.

Tumbes Peru: Artistic mosaic covered stage on one side of the central plaza.
Back side.

Tumbes Peru: View from my breakfast table at the Hotel Costa del Sol.

Tumbes Peru: Monument at one end of a unique residential courtyard near the
central plaza.

Tumbes Peru: Close up of the mosaic artwork on the monument at one end of a
unique residential courtyard near the central plaza. Details.

Tumbes Peru: Monument, La Ascension at one end of a unique residential
courtyard near the central plaza. Details of the base.

Tumbes Peru: Looking away from the Monument, La Ascension at one end of a
unique residential courtyard near the central plaza. Details.

Tumbes Peru: Selection of green herbs on sale near my hotel.

Tumbes Peru:
Intersection near the corner gas station not far from my hotel.
 14 October
Hello from
Tumbes Peru,
My last
postcard from Cuenca Ecuador got us across the border as far as Tumbes
Peru where I hoped to catch a flight down to Lima. The border is a study
in contrasts. On the Ecuadorian side is the busy little shopping village
of Huaquillas and just across the border in Peru there is little but a transport assembly
area. Packed into a minibus with fifteen other people the trip from
the border took about fifteen minutes and cost $1.50. Compared to the
frantic shopping activity in on the Ecuadorian side, Tumbes seems quiet
and provincial. Money changers swarmed around us as we piled out of the
little bus at one end of the major pedestrian mall. Desperate for some
local currency I searched for a compatible ATM. None I found during that
initial search liked my credit card. Undaunted, I began asking locals
for hotel recommendations. An officer sitting in front of a military
building on the Plaza de Armas insisted everyone considered the
Roma at one corner
of the plaza the best in town. At $18 it no doubt would be considered a
good value by many travelers. However, it didn't even pass my barely
acceptable rating. The friendly receptionist, however pointed me to
another place down the
street when I sputtered "Yo querra mucho mas bueno
The $50
Hotel Costa
del Sol Tumbes is "mucho mas bueno" and they had just
one room left that night... on the painful third floor. Ascending
and descending those four flights of stairs produced enough pain to
serve as adequate penance for untold past sins. When I discovered I'd
need to layover a second night I begged for and got a first floor
room... one designed to accommodate the handicapped at that! What a
pleasure; no stairs to climb, larger, more luxurious and newly renovated
with stainless steel handrails. It pays to hobble with a little
exaggeration. The experience sharpened my appreciation of the problems
faced by permanently handicapped people. Everywhere I've been in South
America I see plastic lined trash cans sitting next to toilets. I see
them in public facilities and I see them in upscale hotel rooms like
this one. The idea is that toilet tissue after use is to be put there
rather than flushed down to toilet.
The small
commercial district is clustered around the central Plaza de Armas. The
usual cathedral sits on one side. A beautiful sculptured amphitheater,
complete with artistic mosaic decorations dominates another. One of the
pedestrian malls leads off the plaza's northern boundary street. A whole
company of mosaic artists must have spent a year working in Tumbes
because a half dozen more interesting structures and sculptures covered
with mosaic decorations grace the mall. While walking still is painful I
did make a few exploratory forays around town, though sitting in the
hotel's business center and using the Internet terminal provided many
welcome lengthy respites. Descending stairs is a discouraging
experience. A friend pointed out the old adage: "Up with the good
and down with the bad." That really works and chanting the mantra
at every new incline avoided some unnecessary pain.
Tumbes Airport
is located a few kilometers north of the city in an otherwise barren
plain. A dirt road connects the simple passenger lounge with the asphalt
road into town. Warned the airline overbooks and assigns seats to the
first who arrive, the agent suggested I be there at least two hours
ahead of the departure time of 18:20. I arrived three hours early and
found the place deserted except for four security guys anxious to
demonstrate their thoroughness. During my extended pre-flight baggage
search Hector arrived and witnessed the confiscation of six dangerous
items they found in my bag: a large safety pin, 2 small nail clippers, a
toe nail clipper, my blunt cuticle scissors and a pair of tweezers.
My loud
protests in unintelligible Spanish and the increasingly agitated responses from the security team attracted Hector's attention and he
offered to interpret for me. "Everything will be returned when we
get to Lima." he translated. I've heard that one before and asked
for particulars; "Let's see the actual package I should be looking
for." With the lobby filling up fast we watched as an airline agent
disappeared to find the package. Ten minutes later he returned with a
tagged white envelop and a matching claim slip. Frankly, past experience
does not encourage me to be very hopeful I'll ever see my little
treasures, but I'll be in Lima soon and we shall see.
Fred L Bellomy
PS: While searching for information about travelers diarrhea I came
across the
World Traveler website which presents
links to sites that offer alternative views to those disseminated by the
corporate media.

Huaquillas Ecuador & Peru
border: Photos taken at the border crossing into Peru from Ecuador.

Huaquillas Ecuador & Peru border: Photos taken at the border crossing
into Peru from Ecuador.

Huaquillas Ecuador & Peru border: Photos taken at the border crossing
into Peru from Ecuador. This traffic jam is the result of a large
protest in front of the border police station a short distance ahead.

Huaquillas Ecuador & Peru border: Photos taken at the border crossing
into Peru from Ecuador.

Huaquillas Ecuador & Peru border: Photos taken at the border crossing
into Peru from Ecuador. Some sort of rally in front of the police
station ties up motor traffic going into Peru.

Tumbes Peru: Monument at the entrance to one of the two major shopping

Tumbes Peru: Monument along one of the two major shopping malls.

Tumbes Peru: Tri-wheel motorcycle taxis like this provide most of the
city transport.

Tumbes Peru: Artistic mosaic covered stage on one side of the central
plaza. Details.

Tumbes Peru: Artistic mosaic covered stage on one side of the central
plaza. Details.

Tumbes Peru: Artistic mosaic covered stage on one side of the central
plaza. Details.

Tumbes Peru: Artistic
mosaic covered stage on one side of the central plaza. Back side.

Tumbes Peru: Monument in the plaza across from my hotel.

Tumbes Peru: Artist of the La Ascension Monument at one end of a unique
residential courtyard near the central plaza. Details.

Tumbes Peru: The corner gas station not far from my hotel.

Tumbes Peru: Entrance to the $55 Hotel Costa del Sol where I spent two
nights waiting for a flight to Lima.

Tumbes Peru: Shopping ally near the corner gas station not far from my

Tumbes Peru: The airport sits out in the middle of an empty field. Not
highly developed it services few flights.

Tumbes Peru: Monument, La
Acension at one end of a unique residential courtyard near the central plaza
in Tumbes.

Huaquillas Ecuador & Peru border: Photos taken at the border crossing into
Peru from Ecuador. Peruvians cross the order to shop and sell on the
Ecuadorian side.

Huaquillas Ecuador & Peru border: Photos taken at the border crossing into
Peru from Ecuador. Lots of curious kids in this part of the world.

Huaquillas Ecuador & Peru border: Photos taken at the border crossing into
Peru from Ecuador. Some sort of rally in front of the police station ties up
motor traffic going into Peru.

Huaquillas Ecuador & Peru border: Photos taken at the border crossing into
Peru from Ecuador. Some sort of rally in front of the police station ties up
motor traffic going into Peru.

Huaquillas Ecuador & Peru border: Photos taken at the border crossing into
Peru from Ecuador. Some sort of rally in front of the police station ties up
motor traffic going into Peru.

Huaquillas Ecuador & Peru border: Photos taken of an old political sign
immediately after crossing into Peru from Ecuador.

Tumbes Peru: More or less the center of town.

Tumbes Peru: Taxis wait in town for passengers to the border. They go when
they are full... and I do mean FULL.

Tumbes Peru: Looking down the main pedestrian shopping mall.

Tumbes Peru: Artistic mosaic covered stage on one side of the central plaza.

Tumbes Peru: Looking across the central plaza. Indian woman in the
foreground is a common sight.

Tumbes Peru: Horse sculpture in the central plaza.

Tumbes Peru: Father and son enjoy some ice cream while sitting in the
central plaza. Tumbes Cathedral is seen in the background.

Tumbes Peru: Cathedral at one side of the central plaza.

Tumbes Peru: Artistic mosaic covered stage on one side of the central plaza.

Tumbes Peru: Artistic mosaic covered stage on one side of the central plaza.

Tumbes Peru: Artistic mosaic covered stage on one side of the central plaza.

Tumbes Peru: Artistic mosaic covered stage on one side of the central plaza.

Tumbes Peru: Several of these trees around the central plaza continued to
drop their colorful red blossoms even while heavily laden with strange

Tumbes Peru: Several trees around the central plaza continued to drop their
colorful blossoms even while heavily laden with strange rock hard heavy
"fruit" like this fallen example.

Tumbes Peru: Several of these trees around the central plaza continued to
drop their colorful blossoms even though heavily laden with strange "fruit."

Tumbes Peru: Monument at one end of a unique residential courtyard near the
central plaza.

Tumbes Peru: Monument at one end of a unique residential courtyard near the
central plaza.

Tumbes Peru: Monument at one end of a unique residential courtyard near the
central plaza. Details.

Tumbes Peru: The corner gas station not far from my hotel.

Tumbes Peru: Entrance to the Hotel Costa del Sol where I spent two nights
waiting for a flight to Lima.

Tumbes Peru:
Intersection near the corner gas station not far from my hotel.

Tumbes Peru: Intersection near the corner gas station not far from my hotel. |