Postcards from:
Bear Lake California
Kuta Bali Indonesia
Surabaya Indonesia
Yogyakarta Indonesia
Jakarta Indonesia
Kuching Malaysia
Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
Yangon Myanmar
Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
Phnom Penh Cambodia
Angkor Wat Cambodia
Phnom Penh Cambodia
Chau Doc Vietnam
Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam
Nha Trang Vietnam
Ha Noi Vietnam
Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
Medan Indonesia
Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
Bangkok Thailand
Melaka Malaysia
Penang Malaysia
Hat Yai Thailand
Surat Thani Thailand
Hua Hin Thailand
Bangkok Thailand
Ayutthaya Thailand
Chiang Mai Thailand
Luang Prabang Laos
Phonsavan Laos
Vientiane Laos
Khon Kaen Thailand
Nang Rong Thailand
Bangkok Thailand
Hat Yai Thailand
Yala Thailand
Kota Bharu Malaysia
Sungai Ko-Lok Thailand
Trang Thailand
Krabi Thailand
Phang-Nga Thailand
Bangkok Thailand
Big Bear Lake California

Kuta Bali Indonesia: On the beach at Kuta: Outrigger canoes.

Kuta Bali Indonesia: Daily offerings to the good and bad spirits: called

Kuta Bali Indonesia: One of the "priestesses" preparing the offerings.

Kuta Bali Indonesia: On the beach at Kuta.

Kuta Bali Indonesia: One of a pair of sculptures guarding the entrance to
the beach at one point.

Kuta Bali Indonesia: Welcome to our hotel. Do come in.

Kuta Bali Indonesia: Cafe patio next to the Hotel Bali Summer.

Kuta Bali Indonesia: This is Kib Roby. |
September 2002
Greetings from Bali Indonesia
pagi, that's "hello" from Denpasar Indonesia located near the south central part of
the country on
the island of Bali. Forget the Bali of your dreams; that no longer exists,
having been replaced by unplanned development catering to Australian
surfers and "sex tourists." The crowds of boisterous Australian, Japanese
and British visitors give the place a swap meet atmosphere. The pristine
beach is still there... and the "girls of previous decades" offering
massages and manicures... now vintage ladies of long experience. Craft
vendors wander the shady parts of the beach offering hand crafted mahogany
blowpipes at prices ranging from $10 ("very special morning price for
you") to $50 (for the rich Japanese tourists). Foreign visitors, obvious
in their shorts and cameras stroll leisurely along the shady sand paths
near the water. Outrigger canoes fight the surf or sit idly under the
shade of coconut palms waiting for customers.
As usual, I've walked too much and discovered big blisters on both feet
last night; there will be little walking for the next few days. Hotels
right on the beach at Kuta tend to be of the deluxe, five star kind
justifying rates ranging from $60 (my first night) to $250 (Hard Rock
Hotel & Cafe). My new $25 a night Hotel Bali Summer is not bad... not
wonderful either, but more than adequate. Already I am planning to alter
my starting itinerary by skipping the flight up to Jakarta by way of the
KL hub. Kuta is another one of those places where motorbikes rule the
roads, racing in and out of slower traffic, squeezing between anything
wide enough for the handlebars. Alter the pace of your walking while
crossing a street and a collision is inevitable.
I've taken a few pictures, but haven't attempted to process either camera
yet. This cyber cafe operator says they do not object to my trying to do
so. The equipment here is not the fastest or latest, but a lot better than
some I've used in my wanderings. I've found access rates ranging from a
low of ninety-five cents per hour (no air conditioning) to as much as
$3.60/hr for thoroughly modern equipment in air conditioned comfort.
Mosquitoes dine on American tourists, but leave no welts! As there is
supposed to be no malaria in this part of Indonesia I only today started
taking doxycycline. The generic versions costs a mere $18 for 100 capsules
in the local drugstore: no prescription required.
I've met several Muslims on this mostly Hindu island and all have said
they are disgusted by the actions of the few fanatical extremists who
currently are bringing so much shame on the name of Islam in the West. I
just hope these views reflect to true majority attitude of the others in
this country where ninety percent profess the faith.
Here in Bali the Hindu majority seem to be very devout. Daily ritualized
offerings of flowers, incense, token food, and sometimes small money
sprinkled with holy water adorn the walkways at the entrances of most
stores around town... and the hotels. Young women hired by those too busy
to do it for themselves manage the preparation and placement of the
offerings. I learned from multiple sources that these offerings, called
Canang have many functions: reflecting as they do the dual nature of
man... both good and bad. The contents of the six inch square bamboo leaf
dishes remind believers that life is temporary: fire symbolizes birth,
holy water the flow of life, and wind symbolized by the incense smoke
death. The presence of Canang at a store's entrance discourages
shoplifters and encourages shoppers to come into the store: the same with
good and bad "spirits." Most ordinary people are gentle and friendly;
smiles are quick and genuine. A friend of mine in Santa Barbara put me in
touch with an American ex-pat living in Bali since 1991. Kib Roby and his
Balinese friend Nyoman joined me for dinner at their favorite local
restaurant and filled in many blanks in my knowledge of the island's
religious heritage and practices. The dinner bill in our upscale
restaurant for the three of us came to about $16... easy to be a "big"
spender in Bali!
Hustlers are as thick as flies around the areas frequented by foreign
tourists. During the day they are selling "transport" and during the night
they are selling "women." During an hour walk my first night in Kuta by
the beach, "sex hustlers" approached me at least twenty times! While
persistent and numerous, they seldom are obnoxious. Taxi fares are cheap
by my standards, seldom running more than $5 for the longest 45 minute
trip across town; flag fall is about thirty-five cents.
I'll be taking an over night deluxe "VIP" bus tonight up to Surabaya; fare
is $8.40 for the 10 hour ride... and what a bargain. Where else can you
get a place to sleep, a full meal at the 01:00 stop, snacks in route,
wake-up coffee early morning and transport several hundred kilometers...
all for under ten bucks?
No pictures as I've still found no place to process the cameras. I have
taken picture, however and they eventually will find their way into a
revised version of this "postcard." In the mean time check out this site
devoted to Bali.
Fred L

Kuta Bali Indonesia: These guys were
finally able to give me the information I'd been seeking for
hours about the public transportation... usually hidden from

Kuta Bali Indonesia: This is an indication of the origins of most
tourists in Bali these days: clocks on the lobby wall at the Hotel Bali

Kuta Bali Indonesia: Part of the lush landscaping in the courtyard of
our hotel.

Kuta Bali Indonesia: On the beach at Kuta. Here is a tourist getting a
massage on the sand. Usually, several otherwise unoccupied ladies will
sit down and help out, making it a multiple pairs of hands affair.

Kuta Bali Indonesia: On the beach at Kuta. The lady
in the foreground is one of the ladies offering sandy massage. The guy
farther back is one of the several wandering beach vendors selling
blowguns... segmented for easy concealment. This section of the beach is
typical of a stretch about two kilometers in length where the surfers

Kuta Bali Indonesia: Part of the lush landscaping in
the courtyard of our hotel.

Bali Indonesia: This is Uni, a girl at the Dempasar long distance bus
station who spent a good deal of time explaining to me in excellent English
my ground transport options north to Java.

Kuta Bali Indonesia: On the beach at Kuta.

Kuta Bali Indonesia: Another lovely Canang.

Kuta Bali Indonesia: Another lovely collection of Canang offerings.

Kuta Bali Indonesia: One of a pair of sculptures guarding the entrance to
the beach at one point.

Kuta Bali Indonesia: Entrance to my hotel, the Hotel Bali Summer.

Kuta Bali Indonesia: Part of the lush landscaping in the courtyard of our

Kuta Bali Indonesia: Kib Roby and his Balinese friend Nyoman.

Kuta Bali Indonesia: On the beach at Kuta: Outrigger canoes. |