Before entering
Big Bear Lake
Prague Czech Rep.
Istanbul Turkey
Ankara Turkey
Konya Turkey
Antalia Turkey
Side Turkey
Demre Turkey
Cirali Turkey
Fethiye Turkey
Kayakoy Turkey
Marmaris Turkey
Rhodes Greece
Athens Greece
Africa by Egypt

Cirali Turkey: There is a camping village near the
entrance to the old Roman ruins at Yanartas. These "tree house" camp
sites are famous and popular with international backpackers.

Cirali Turkey: The fires of Olympus area
is a national park, Chimaira and well developed for day
visitors. This is a refreshment area, simple.

Cirali Turkey: Along the main path
through the old Roman ruins at Yanartas.

Cirali Turkey: There is a camping village
near the entrance to the old Roman ruins at Yanartas.

Cirali Turkey: A plaque with hard to read information about the
gasses burning at Chimaira on the mountain.

Cirali Turkey: Some of the old Roman ruins on the mountain at Chimaira near
the burning vents.

Cirali Turkey: On the path up the hill to where the mountain still burns at

Cirali Turkey: Some pretty yellow flowers on the main path up to the area of
belching fire vents, Chimaira .

Cirali Turkey: Another scene along the path up the hill to the area of
perpetual fires at Chimaira.

Cirali Turkey: On the main path up to the area of burning gases from the
mountain, Chimaira .

Cirali Turkey: On the main path up to Chimaira and the area of burning gases
from the mountain.

Cirali Turkey: On the main path up to the actual area of the natural gas
burners at Chimaira.

Cirali Turkey: Plaque along the main path up to Chimaira and the burning
mountain area. This one discusses the eternal flame of Chimera.

Cirali Turkey: More examples of the old Roman ruins on the mountain of fire
at Chimaira.

Cirali Turkey: this is a view of the campground at the base of the trail
that leads up to the Chimaira area.

Cirali Turkey: On the main path through the old Roman ruins at

Cirali Turkey: pebbles along the beach between the fires of Chimaira and the
ruins of Yanartas.

Cirali Turkey: pebbles along the beach; not a grain of sand in sight.

Cirali Turkey: There is a camping village
near the entrance to the old Roman ruins at Yanartas.
These "tree house" camp sites are famous and popular
with international backpackers. Sign at one of the
camps. |
March 2001
from the mountain of fire!Here the mountain vents
flammable gasses that have burned since before the first light of
history. I spent only a single night in the area, visiting both the
unexcavated Roman-Byzantine ruins of the city of Olympos and the
timeless flames of
Chimaera on Mount Olympos, walking the pebble strewn beaches
connecting the two places. The destruction caused by grave
robbers is appalling. The priceless stone work found on
ancient sarcophaguses destroyed in a moment of
thoughtlessness or greed can never be replaced. Not only did
the vandalism mar the beauty of the stone carver's work, but
it has destroyed much of the archeological record as well. While not writing a whole lot about
the region I did take a lot of pictures, 51 in all.
Fred L Bellomy

Cirali Turkey: The fires of Olimpos at Chimaira have
been burning day and night for centuries. Wonder what happens when
it storms? BTW, it is pronounced "cheer-a-lee turkey."

Cirali Turkey: The fires of Olimpos at
Chimaira have been burning day and night for centuries.
People were actually using the fires for cooking!

Cirali Turkey: More examples of the old
Roman ruins on the mountain of fire at Chimaira.

Cirali Turkey: One of the tombs at
Yanartas showing the evidence of grave robbers.

Cirali Turkey: Some more of the old Roman
ruins at Yanartas.

Cirali Turkey: Some interesting green flowers on the main path up to
the area of belching fire vents.

Cirali Turkey: Some more of the old Roman ruins: Mabet Temple at

Cirali Turkey: A Roman
arch on the main path through the old Roman ruins at Yanartas.

Cirali Turkey: One of the tombs at Yanartas showing
the evidence of grave robbers.

Cirali Turkey: Flowers on the main path up to the area
of belching fire vents .
Cirali Turkey: Some more of the old Roman
ruins at Yanartas.

Cirali Turkey: More examples on the main path through the old Roman
ruins at Yanartas.

Cirali Turkey: pebbles along the beach.

Cirali Turkey: The fires of Olimpos
at Chimaira have been burning day and night for centuries. Over an
area of perhaps a square block there are perhaps a dozen separate
vent holes belching fire.

Cirali Turkey: The fires of Olimpos at Chimaira have been burning
day and night for centuries. I can imagine the wonder this site must
have commanded with the ancients.

Cirali Turkey: The artifact in this picture is fairly common when
processing the Pencam; reloading the pictures always corrects the
problem when I can catch it.

Cirali Turkey: The fires of Olimpos make great cooking fires for
campers. One wonders if the ancients also used them this way, holy
as they were considered to be.

Cirali Turkey: Some of the old Roman ruins at Chimaira near the

Cirali Turkey: More examples of the old Roman ruins on the mountain
of fire at Chimaira.

Cirali Turkey: More of the old Roman ruins at Chimaira near the

Cirali Turkey: More examples of the old Roman ruins on the mountain
of fire at Chimaira.

Cirali Turkey: Access road leading to the national park at Chimaira
with the fires of Olympus.

Cirali Turkey: On the main path through the old Roman
ruins at Yanartas.

Cirali Turkey: On the main path through the old Roman ruins of

Cirali Turkey: Door and windows still remain intact at the old Roman
ruins at Yanartas.

Cirali Turkey: A hillside covered with rubble along the main path
through the old Roman ruins at Yanartas.

Cirali Turkey: More ruins across the river along the main path
through the old Roman ruins at Yanartas.

Cirali Turkey: Another view of the ruins across the river along the
main path through the old Roman ruins at Yanartas and near the

Cirali Turkey: Layout of the area along the main path through the
old Roman ruins at Yanartas.

Cirali Turkey: Features in the area of the old Roman ruins at

Cirali Turkey: Some more of the old Roman ruins at Yanartas. Looks
like someone changed their mind about where the door should be.

Cirali Turkey: At this camping village
near the entrance to the old Roman ruins at Yanartas I
noticed this sign at one of the
camps. |