Postcards from:
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Bangkok Thailand
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November 2013
tireless wanderer watchers,
Procrastination is an
art I seem to have unwittingly perfected. I promised in the last note to
share insights discovered during my sojourn into Iraq and through
Eastern Europe. But, here it is time to finalize preparations for my
next adventure and all I have to show for good intentions is a bunch of
disjointed notes and no clear plan for bringing them together into
anything resembling coherence.
In a few days I'll next be heading into that
tumultuous British
Commonwealth nation of
Lanka. After nearly thirty years of civil war things are
slowly returning to
That means tourists can expect a safe visit to most parts of the
country. My point of entry will be through Bangkok where I'll get my
irregular "annual" executive physical checkup at the world famous
Bumrungrad Hospital... plus some minor dental work. These
past two years have been a time of serious study of what we now know
about the human body: how we fail; how we heal. I've completed nearly
all of the relevant courses offered by the
Teaching Company and regularly watch related YouTube
presentations. As a result, I am now resolved to live a more healthy
life. That means stopping all prescription medicines as soon as my
improving weight and blood parameters will allow! More exercise is
always a part of these international expeditions so that part should be
easy. Eliminating all red/fat meats and substituting fish and vegetable
proteins so far has been easy. Fruits provide all the sweets I crave, so
there is a good chance this time I'll succeed! (My weight is down ten
pounds since early October.)
I'm departing from Las Vegas in three days, 4 November at 10:25AM
(Flight AA183) and will arrive 25 hours later on 6 November 13:30 in
Bangkok, the first stop for this adventure.
I continue to think about the big problems facing humanity, with the
unequal distribution of wealth on the short list. I had just about
concluded that Capitalism naturally creates disparity, that genetically,
culturally and socially endowed smart and industrious people will always
outperform the less gifted, the less motivated. That realization led me
to speculate all we needed was more control over the accumulation of
vast wealth through a more aggressive taxation system. Vaguely aware the
banking system presents a different challenge, I have been unable to see
a way to reform banking because my knowledge of economics has been too
shallow. Now after completing an introductory
Teaching Company course in Economics I have been prompted to
restart an examination of this most complex issue with a search of
presentations on the Internet. One extraordinary video documentary
recently discovered is: "The
Money Masters - the Rothschild mafia controls the Fed and the national
Central Banks" If you have been thinking about the issue, you
might want to invest the three and a half hours required to view the
entire film. Unlike several other examinations of the dysfunctional
financial systems in the world, which sometimes hint at conspiracy
theories, this one ends with a concrete program being promoted to move
our country away from the "fractional
reserve banking system" now in use. With widespread growing
local governmental support, the
sovereignty proposal needs to be understood by anyone
pondering our dysfunctional economic system. I'm not sure how we can
ever get a congress full of people owing their elections to the small
handful of wealthy who paid for their campaigns to do what is in the
best interests of the people they are "supposed" to represent, but the
effort must be made.
Andy, who enjoys sharing his economics expertise during our occasional
luncheon discussions here in Las Vegas, directed my attention to "Wealth
Distribution in America," which highlights both the
inequality and the difference between our perception of inequality and
the actual numbers. Anytime you watch presentations on YouTube, related
videos are listed in the right hand column. YouTube is an amazing
learning tool: the embedded search tool finds videos on just about any
subject, eg.
Wealth Inequality In America. Following the suggested leads I
watched many more related documentaries including:
Wealth inequality in the world. One of the most provocative and
believable economists I've discovered is Richard Wolf. Watch Bill Moyers
interview: "Economist
Richard Wolff on Capitalism Run Wild" Does Capitalism necessarily
lead to these huge disparities in wealth between the top one percent of
people and all the rest? Of the many lectures available on YouTube, one
of the most thought provoking has been: "Richard
Wolff presents Democracy at work: A Cure for Capitalism" After years
of believing the problems are so enormous that no one can say or do
anything that will make any difference and that the world's economic
systems are headed for a violent correction, I now see a glimmer of hope
for better times... albeit in a future generation.
The next postcard probably will be penned somewhere in Thailand, Bangkok
most likely.
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