Postcards from:
Bear Lake California
Kuta Bali Indonesia
Surabaya Indonesia
Yogyakarta Indonesia
Jakarta Indonesia
Kuching Malaysia
Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
Yangon Myanmar
Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
Phnom Penh Cambodia
Angkor Wat Cambodia
Phnom Penh Cambodia
Chau Doc Vietnam
Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam
Nha Trang Vietnam
Ha Noi Vietnam
Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
Medan Indonesia
Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
Bangkok Thailand
Melaka Malaysia
Penang Malaysia
Hat Yai Thailand
Surat Thani Thailand
Hua Hin Thailand
Bangkok Thailand
Ayutthaya Thailand
Chiang Mai Thailand
Luang Prabang Laos
Phonsavan Laos
Vientiane Laos
Khon Kaen Thailand
Nang Rong Thailand
Bangkok Thailand
Hat Yai Thailand
Yala Thailand
Kota Bharu Malaysia
Sungai Ko-Lok Thailand
Trang Thailand
Krabi Thailand
Phang-Nga Thailand
Bangkok Thailand
Big Bear Lake California

Siem Reap Cambodia: : On the fast express
boat up the river from Phnom Penh, a long five hour journey.

Siem Reap Cambodia: A statue sitting in the middle of a traffic circle on
the way back from the airport heading into town.

Siem Reap Cambodia: Last picture I took of my second Tuk Tuk driver at the
area where the boats pick up passengers for the lake trips.

Siem Reap Cambodia: View from the window of my room at the Salina Hotel.

Siem Reap Cambodia: View from the window of my room at the Salina Hotel.

Angkor temple complex in Cambodia: Moving on to Bayon temple we came to the
partially restored entrance through the wall. The road leading up to the
tunnel has many statues on either side lining the way.

Siem Reap Cambodia: Interesting sign given the refugee problems Australians
are having in their own country.

Siem Reap Cambodia: This sign suggested people here are concerned with
social issues.

Siem Reap Cambodia: Some of the motos showing how many
people they can get on a single seat. The table in the foreground contains sea creatures
in their shells that appear to be alive, but drying in the sun???

Siem Reap Cambodia: Motos, motos everywhere, yet most avoid bumping into one

Siem Reap Cambodia: Some of the motos (motorcycles) are used for light

Siem Reap Cambodia: One of the many Tuk Tuk taxis running around town. Rides
are about fifty cents to most places in town.

Siem Reap Cambodia: Some of the motos showing how they manage to get many
people on a single seat.

Siem Reap Cambodia: Two wheels are usually enough for most transportation

Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia: One of the motos showing how three
girls can ride for the same price as one.

Siem Reap Cambodia: I've seen as many as five people on a single seat!

Siem Reap Cambodia: Some are motorized; some are not.

Siem Reap Cambodia: Picture I took at the area where the boats pick up
passengers for the lake trips.

Siem Reap Cambodia: Produce delivery "truck." The low power motor gets
excellent mileage.

Siem Reap Cambodia: During our departure from Siem Reap this young lady
insisted her fried spiders were better that the other girl's... oh, so
tasty. Yum.

Angkor temple complex in Cambodia: Another view of the water buffalo
munching on some tasty plants under the water along the road that runs
around the periphery of the park.

Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia: Here the restoration is clearly in

Angkor temple complex in Cambodia: A water lift at a tree farm within the
park compound.

Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia: This seven headed cobra motif is
commonly seen all over Cambodia.

Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia: One of the side temples near the

Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia: In and around the main complex.

Angkor temple complex in Cambodia: In and around the main complex.

Angkor temple complex in Cambodia: The main moat is extensive.

Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia: Mr. Kheang, my first Tuk Tuk driver
into the temple park. "Smile" I said and then snapped his picture before he
could compose himself.

Angkor temple complex in Cambodia: This area outside Bayon temple is being

Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia: Inscriptions on an interior wall.

Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia: After studying the inscriptions
myself for several minutes, other tourists got curious and also took a look.

Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia: Another typical bas-relief
decoration. These characters seem to have negro features.

Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia: Notice those three spikes in her
hat... wonder if the inspiration for the spiked hair fashions started here.

Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia: The main temple room.

Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia: Inside the inner walls.

Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia: Another view of the walkway around
the inside of the inner wall.

Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia: Another view outside the inner wall.

Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia: Another view inside Bayon temple.

Angkor temple complex in Cambodia: Look closely and you will see several of
the giant heads adorning these buildings at Bayon Temple.

Angkor temple complex in Cambodia: One of the giant heads adorning the
buildings at Bayon Temple.

Angkor temple complex in Cambodia: Several of the giant heads adorning the
buildings at Bayon Temple.

Angkor temple complex in Cambodia: One of the giant heads adorning the
buildings at Bayon Temple. Tourist sits in the shade of a stone window.

Angkor temple complex in Cambodia: A couple of the giant heads adorning the
buildings at Bayon Temple.

Angkor temple complex in Cambodia: The woman tourist looks like she could
have been used as a model for some of the giant heads adorning the buildings
at Bayon Temple.

Angkor temple complex in Cambodia: The attendant tried to get every visitor
to take some smoking incense sticks... and make a donation, I presume. None
did as I watched.

Angkor temple complex in Cambodia: Another of the minor temples.

Angkor temple complex in Cambodia: That is a tree root growing over and
around these thousand year old walls.

Angkor temple complex in Cambodia: Another shot of the roots choking huge
stone blocks.

Angkor temple complex in Cambodia: Another shot of vines and roots choking
huge stone blocks.

Angkor temple complex in Cambodia: This is the entrance to the Ta Phrom
temple. It is still showing the effects of time with vines and roots choking
huge stone blocks.

Angkor temple complex in Cambodia: This hap hazard spider web caught my
attention; unlike any I've seen before out in the open like this. I expect
the little arachnid to spin a spiral like all the others I've seen.

Angkor temple complex Cambodia: A telephoto shot of a giant head carved on a
temple wall. |
November 2002
Hello from
Siam Reap,
Arriving by fast Express Hydrofoil
boat from Phnom Penh down the Toule Sap River we were met at the dock by
hotel staff about noon after the five hour trip up the choppy waterway.
Siem Reap is the small town closest
to the world famous
Angkor Wat
archeological preserve, a
World Heritage site. This short five night stay in Siam Reap which
provides access to these amazing ruins
gave me much too little time to explore. I will be back at some point in the
future without such a tight schedule. I did take lots of pictures,
Take a look at this 4-minute introductory YouTube
video of the monument and this 3-D YouTube
DRAFT: Elaborate an anecdote about name: See 'em weep. "The name Siem Reap means the
'Defeat of
Siam' —today’s
Thailand —and refers to a century-old bloodbath, commemorated in
stone in the celebrated bas relief carvings of the monuments."
While everyone spends time in Siem Reap, it is the archeological ruins
that attracts the crowds. The town itself is charming, however and
deserves more attention.
Fred L Bellomy

Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia: My
first views of the impressive entrance to the actual temple Angkor. The
place is surrounded by a moat.

Angkor Wat temple complex: aerial view borrowed for orientation.

Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia: My first views of the impressive
entrance to the actual temple Angkor. The place is surrounded by this

Siem Reap Cambodia: A statue sitting
in the middle of a traffic circle on the way back from the airport
heading into town.

Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia: An order of Buddhist monks
continue to actively use various parts of the complex. Here is a
Hindu? statue draped in orange... or is it? Notice the many arms...
might be a Buddhist bodhisattva?

Siem Reap Cambodia: Cockles and mussels, alive, alive, oh.

Siem Reap Cambodia: Feather dusters on their way to market.

Angkor temple complex in Cambodia: Moving on to Bayon temple we came
to the partially restored entrance through the wall. The road
leading up to the tunnel has many statues like this lining the way.

Phnom Penh again: Leaving Siem Reap our last stop for a "happy hour"
dumped us in a crowd of food sellers offering fried frogs and here
fried spiders... I kid you not.

Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia: My second Tuk Tuk driver
while we were in the park.

Angkor temple complex in Cambodia:
Father and son take a nap in the shade.

Angkor temple complex in Cambodia: A house near where I took the
picture of the father and son taking a nap in the shade.

Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia: Excavation and restoration
continue at the main Angkor Wat temple.

Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia: Excavation and restoration
continue at the main Angkor Wat temple.

Angkor temple complex in Cambodia: Another view of the excavation
and restoration at the main Angkor Wat temple.

Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia: Excavation and restoration
continue at the main Angkor Wat temple.

Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia: More restoration work
continues at the main Angkor Wat temple.

Angkor temple complex in Cambodia: Newly quaried blocks for the
restoration are similar to originals that are now weathered.

Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia: I am struck how similar are
these staple cavities to ones I have seen in ancient Greek and Roman
ruins and at Machu Pichu in Peru. Is it possible that a nearly
identical engineering solution to securing large stone blocks
together could have occurred without human technology transfer?

Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia: Another view of the stone
cavities which were filled with a molten metal in ancient Europe to
hold blocks together.

Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia: However, here the cavities
are filled not with molten metal, but carefully fitted stone pieces.

Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia: Excavation and restoration
work viewed from the moat.

Angkor Wat temple complex in
Cambodia: One of the many vendors which charmed us each time we
stopped at a new temple site. They would stick to us like glue until
the next load of tourists arrived.

Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia: This is a group of stupas at
an actual "working" Buddhist temple located on the grounds of Angkor

Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia: Another view of a group of
stupas at an actual "working" Buddhist temple located on the grounds
of Angkor Wat.

Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia: Looking at the main temple
wall exterior from outside another wall inside the moat.

Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia: This is typical of the
forested area within the walls of the main temple complex.

Angkor temple complex in Cambodia: A few water buffalo having lunch
along the road that runs around the periphery of the park.

Angkor temple complex in Cambodia: Another shot of the water buffalo
grazing along the road that runs around the periphery of the park.

Angkor temple complex in Cambodia: A water lift at a tree farm
within the park compound.

Angkor temple complex in Cambodia: Look closely and you can see the
blue plastic pipe segments which dump their load of water into the
channel at the top.

Angkor temple complex in Cambodia:
Part of the bas relief mural at Bayon temple showing a great battle.

Angkor temple complex in Cambodia: Part of the bas relief mural at
Bayon Temple showing a great battle.

Angkor temple complex in Cambodia: Like a piece from a giant Lego
set, blocks of stone lay lined up waiting for reassembly at some
future time.

Angkor temple complex in Cambodia: At one of the minor outlying

Angkor temple complex in Cambodia: This is the entrance to the Ta
Phrom temple. It is still showing the effects of time with vines and
roots choking huge stone blocks.

Angkor temple complex in Cambodia: This is the entrance to
the Ta Phrom temple. It is still showing the effects of time
with vines and roots choking huge stone blocks.

Angkor temple complex in Cambodia: This is the entrance to
the Ta Phrom temple. It is still showing the effects of time
with vines and roots choking huge stone blocks.

Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia: Dancing girls in
bas-relief... at least I assume they are girls.

Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia: Maidens cavorting.

Angkor temple complex in Cambodia: Well preserved bas relief
on a wall at Bayon Temple.

Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia: Welcome sign at the entrance to the

Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia: The back of my first Tuk Tuk driver's
head as we headed out of Siem Reap up to the registration area where I
bought a four day pass for $40. To make sure we didn't resell any unused
days they took our picture and laminated it into the ticket.

Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia: There it is, the Angkor Wat temple.
It is impossible to be anything but impressed by its magnitude.

Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia: My first views of the impressive
entrance to the actual temple Angkor. Here the hoards of tourists must walk
the causeway across the moat to get into the actual ruins themselves. And
this is a view out of the gate building looking toward the temple itself.

Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia: And this is a view out of the gate
building looking along the walls which surround the temple.

Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia: Around the grounds of the main temple

Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia: An order of Buddhist monks continue
to actively use various parts of the complex. Here is a statue of a Buddha
draped in yellow.

Angkor temple complex in Cambodia: At the Bayon temple just north of Angkor
Wat itself we came upon the partially restored entrance. The road leading up
to the tunnel has many statues like this on either side lining the way.

Angkor temple complex in Cambodia: Moving on to Bayon temple we came to the
partially restored entrance through the wall. The road leading up to the
tunnel has many statues on either side lining the way.

Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia: One of the beasties guarding a side
entrance to the main temple complex.

Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia: My first views of the impressive
entrance to the actual temple Angkor. Here the hoards of tourists must walk
the caseway across the moat to get into the actual ruins themselves.

Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia: My first views of the impressive
entrance to the actual temple Angkor. Here the hoards of tourists must walk
the causeway across the moat to get into the actual ruins themselves.

Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia: My first views of the impressive
entrance to the actual temple Angkor. Here the hoards of tourists must walk
the causeway across the moat to get into the actual ruins themselves. We're
getting closer.

Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia: My first views of the impressive
entrance to the actual temple Angkor. Here the hoards of tourists must walk
the causeway across the moat to get into the actual ruins themselves. We're
getting closer to the gate building.

Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia: Part of the main wall around the

Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia: Part of the main wall around the

Angkor temple complex in Cambodia: Sign at the main crossroads near the
entrance to the park. Notice the 28km destination; this is a big park!

Angkor temple complex in Cambodia: On the side of the sign piller at the
main crossroads near the entrance to the park.

Angkor temple complex in Cambodia: Another side of the sign at the main
crossroads near the entrance to the park.

Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia: A view from my seat in the Tuk Tuk
(called that for the sound the engine makes).

Angkor temple complex Cambodia: This temple has giant stone elephants
guarding the corners of the structure.

Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia: This is the rear entrance to the main

Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia: Detail of the wall around the temple.

Angkor temple complex in Cambodia: At one of the minor temples near Angkor

Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia: Close up of the previous structure.

Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia: Closer yet.

Angkor temple complex in Cambodia: In and around the main complex. Here is
that seven headed cobra thingy again with a couple tourists for size

Angkor temple complex in Cambodia: Moving on to Bayon temple we came to the
partially restored entrance through the wall. The road leading up to the
tunnel has many statues on either side lining the way.

Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia: Mr. Kheang, my first Tuk Tuk driver
into the temple park. "Smile" I said and waited to snap this picture.

Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia: Viewed off to the side, this is the
entrance to the main temple.

Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia: This is a beast guarding a side
entrance to the main temple.

Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia: A particularly nice
bas-relief still
in excellent condition after a thousand years.

Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia: More wall decorations: a small one, a
big one.

Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia: Deep inside the temple complex.

Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia: This view looks up at the main temple
room sitting on top of the whole structure.

Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia: Some people climbed these steep
stairs to get to the top. The angle up exceeds 45 degrees!

Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia: A view inside the inner walls.

Angkor Wat temple complex in Cambodia: Excavation and restoration continue
at the main Angkor Wat temple.

Angkor temple complex in Cambodia: Bayon Temple complex is covered with
these giant heads.

Angkor temple complex in Cambodia: A particularly good example of the giant
heads adorning the buildings at Bayon Temple.

Angkor temple complex in Cambodia: Looking down into a passageway at Bayon

Angkor temple complex in Cambodia: Looking down into a passageway at Bayon

Angkor temple complex in Cambodia: One of the giant heads adorning the
buildings at Bayon Temple.

Angkor temple complex in Cambodia: Another view of the heads at Bayon

Angkor temple complex in Cambodia: Minor temple.

Angkor temple complex in Cambodia: Prominent feature of another miner
outlying temple complex.

Angkor temple complex in Cambodia: The walls are a thousand years old. It is
showing the effects of time with vines and roots choking huge stone blocks.

Angkor temple complex in Cambodia: This is the entrance to the Ta Phrom
temple. It is still showing the effects of time with vines and roots choking
huge stone blocks.

Angkor temple complex in Cambodia: This is the entrance to the Ta Phrom
temple. It is still showing the effects of time with vines and roots choking
huge stone blocks.

Angkor temple complex in Cambodia: Good bye
sign at the exit from the park.