Postcards from:
Big Bear Lake USA
San Jose Costa Rica
Granada Nicaragua
Managua Nicaragua
San Salvador ElSalvador
Tegucigalpa Honduras
San Pedro Sula Honduras
Copan Ruinas Honduras
La Ceiba Honduras
Utila Island Honduras
La Ceiba Honduras
San Pedro Sula Honduras
Belmopan Belize
Belize City Belize
Orange Walk Belize
Mayan Ruins
Panama City Panama
Bogata Colombia
Cali Colombia
Popayan Colombia
Ipiales Colombia
Quito Ecuador
Galapagos Is. Ecuador
Puerto Ayoro Galapagos
Guayaquil Ecuador
Cuenca Ecuador
Tumbes Peru
Lima Peru
Nazca Peru
Cuzco Peru
Ollantaytambo Peru
Machu Picchu Peru
Machu Picchu Photos
Cuzco Again
Lake Titicaca Peru
Lake Titicaca Photos
Copacabana Bolivia
La Paz Bolivia
Arica Chile
Iquique Chile
Antofagasta Chile
Santiago Chile 1
Valparaiso Chile
Santiago Chile 2
Easter Island Chile
Santiago Chile 3
Chillan Chile
Valdivia Chile
Puerto Montt Chile
Castro Chile
Chaiten Chile
Coyhaique Chile
Puerto Chacabuco Chile
Coyhaique Chile
Punta Arenas Chile
Puerto Natales Chile
Punta Arenas Chile
Puerto Williams Chile
Ushuaia Argentina
Buenos Aires Argentina
Puerto Iguazu Argentina
Montevideo Uruguay
Colonia Uraguay
Caracas Venezuela
Ciudad Bolivar Venezuela
Puerto Ordaz Venezuela
Porlamar Venezuela
PortOSpain Trinidad
Georgetown Guyana
Corriverton Guyana
Paramaribo Suriname
Cayenne French Guiana
Pointa A Pitre Guadaloupe
Gosier Guadeloupe
Dominican Republic
Miami Florida
Back Home in California

Orange Walk Belize: Colorful fruit from one of the plants on the grounds of the entrance to the Lamanai Mayan ruins park.

Orange Walk Belize: One of the structures in the Lamanai Mayan ruins

Orange Walk Belize: This is the $46 St. Christopher Hotel I used for my
three day stay in the little farm town. Newly built, everything worked.
While it offered simple accommodations, I found it quite comfortable.

Orange Walk Belize: Part of our group while touring one of the structures in
the Lamanai Mayan ruins park.

Orange Walk Belize: Information sign at one of the structures in the Lamanai
Mayan ruins park.

Orange Walk Belize: Part of our group while touring one of the structures in
the Lamanai Mayan ruins park.

Orange Walk Belize: One of the structures in the Lamanai Mayan ruins park.

Orange Walk Belize: One of the structures in the Lamanai Mayan ruins park.

Orange Walk Belize: One of the structures in the Lamanai Mayan ruins park.

Orange Walk Belize: One of the structures in the Lamanai Mayan ruins park.

Orange Walk Belize: One of the structures in the Lamanai Mayan ruins park.
Many of us climbed to the top of this one.

Orange Walk Belize: Part of our group while touring one of the structures in
the Lamanai Mayan ruins park.

Orange Walk Belize: One of the structures in the Lamanai Mayan ruins park.

Orange Walk Belize: One of the structures in the Lamanai Mayan ruins park.

Orange Walk Belize: Information sign at one of the structures in the Lamanai
Mayan ruins park.

Orange Walk Belize: One of the structures in the Lamanai Mayan ruins park.

Orange Walk Belize: One of the structures in the Lamanai Mayan ruins park.

Orange Walk Belize: Some of the plants on the grounds of the entrance to the
Lamanai Mayan ruins park.

Orange Walk Belize: Some of the plants on the grounds of the entrance to the
Lamanai Mayan ruins park.

Orange Walk Belize: The return jungle river cruise as we leave the Lamanai
Mayan ruins park.

Orange Walk Belize: The return jungle river cruise as we leave the Lamanai
Mayan ruins park.
August 2005
from the Lamanai Mayan ruins of Belize,
I came to
Orange Walk
to be close to the
Lamanai National Park
with its Mayan ruins. The day after I arrived I took the $45
river cruise package offered by the owner of the hotel. After
spending time at Copan Ruinas in Honduras, the Lamanai ruins seemed anemic.
The hour and a half trip up the river through the jungle,
however made the trip worthwhile. During the tour of Lamanai we saw
little wild life beyond a few unique birds and a troop of noisy
Black Howler Monkeys... and the swarms of aggressive mosquitoes.
At least ninety of the beasts dined on my shoulders through a
sweat soaked shirt, the rest of exposed skin having been treated
with repellent. That night in my hotel
room an exhausted firefly blinked listlessly on the floor near
my bed, possibly the victim of insecticide used to discourage
mosquitoes in the room. Tomorrow I'll leave Orange Walk heading
south toward Panama, probably by air. Until then,

Orange Walk Belize: River
entrance to the Lamanai Mayan ruins park. Watch out for
submerged crocodiles!

Orange Walk Belize: Captain of the boat we used for the jungle river trip to
the Lamanai Mayan ruins.

Orange Walk Belize: The boat we used for the jungle river trip to the
Lamanai Mayan ruins.

Orange Walk Belize: We passed this Mennonite community along the jungle
river trip to the Lamanai Mayan ruins.

Orange Walk Belize: River entrance to the Lamanai Mayan ruins park.

Orange Walk Belize: River entrance to the Lamanai Mayan ruins park. Watch
out for submerged crocodiles!

Orange Walk Belize: Information sign at one of the structures in the Lamanai
Mayan ruins park.

Orange Walk Belize: Information sign at one of the structures in the Lamanai
Mayan ruins park.

Orange Walk Belize: Information sign at one of the structures in the Lamanai
Mayan ruins park.

Orange Walk Belize: One of the structures in the Lamanai Mayan ruins park.

Orange Walk Belize: One of the structures in the Lamanai Mayan ruins park.
Many of us climbed to the top of this one.

Orange Walk Belize: One of the structures in the Lamanai Mayan ruins park.
In this area we stopped to marvel at the loud crys of small Black Howler

Orange Walk Belize: Author pondering the just completed effort to climb one
of the structures in the Lamanai Mayan ruins park.

Orange Walk Belize: Part of our group while touring one of the structures in
the Lamanai Mayan ruins park. Here we stop to inspect what is said to be a
ball court.

Orange Walk Belize: Information sign at one of the structures in the Lamanai
Mayan ruins park.

Orange Walk Belize: One of the structures in the Lamanai Mayan ruins park.

Orange Walk Belize: Some of the plants on the grounds of the entrance to the
Lamanai Mayan ruins park.

Orange Walk Belize: Boat dock as we leave the Lamanai Mayan ruins park.

Orange Walk Belize:
One of the structures in the Lamanai Mayan ruins park.

Orange Walk Belize: One of the structures in the Lamanai Mayan ruins park.

Orange Walk Belize: One of the structures in the Lamanai Mayan ruins park.

Orange Walk Belize: Part of our group while touring one of the structures in
the Lamanai Mayan ruins park. We had several bird watchers more interested
in flying things than the antiquities.

Orange Walk Belize: One of the structures in the Lamanai Mayan ruins park.
Many of us climbed to the top of this one.

Orange Walk Belize: One of the structures in the Lamanai Mayan ruins park.
Many of us climbed to the top of this one.

Orange Walk Belize: Clock tower at the center of activity in this tiny town.
To the left of the tower is the city hall and main market area.

Orange Walk Belize: One of the structures in the Lamanai Mayan ruins
park. The depiction looks like a severed head was used as a model... not
an outlandish idea considering the historical evidence.

Orange Walk Belize: Part of our group while touring one of the
structures in the Lamanai Mayan ruins park. We had several bird watchers
more interested in flying things than the antiquities.

Orange Walk Belize: One of the structures in the Lamanai Mayan ruins

Orange Walk Belize: One of the structures in the Lamanai Mayan ruins

Orange Walk Belize: One of the structures in the Lamanai Mayan ruins

Orange Walk Belize: One of the structures in the Lamanai Mayan ruins
park. Many of us climbed to the top of this one.

Orange Walk Belize: One of the structures in the Lamanai Mayan ruins

Orange Walk Belize: Another of the structures in the Lamanai Mayan ruins

Orange Walk Belize: Close up of one of the carvings on a structure in
the Lamanai Mayan ruins park.

Orange Walk Belize: One of the structures in the Lamanai Mayan ruins

Orange Walk Belize: One of the structures in the Lamanai Mayan ruins park.

Orange Walk Belize: One of the structures in the Lamanai Mayan ruins park.

Orange Walk Belize: One of the structures in the Lamanai Mayan ruins

Orange Walk Belize: One of the structures in the Lamanai Mayan ruins

Orange Walk Belize: One of the structures in the Lamanai Mayan ruins

Orange Walk Belize: Some of the plants on the grounds of the entrance to
the Lamanai Mayan ruins park.

Orange Walk Belize: Some of the plants on the grounds of the entrance to
the Lamanai Mayan ruins park.

Orange Walk Belize: The return jungle river cruise as we leave the
Lamanai Mayan ruins park.

Orange Walk Belize: The return jungle river cruise as we leave the
Lamanai Mayan ruins park.