Postcards from:
Big Bear Lake USA
San Jose Costa Rica
Granada Nicaragua
Managua Nicaragua
San Salvador ElSalvador
Tegucigalpa Honduras
San Pedro Sula Honduras
Copan Ruinas Honduras
La Ceiba Honduras
Utila Island Honduras
La Ceiba Honduras
San Pedro Sula Honduras
Belmopan Belize
Belize City Belize
Orange Walk Belize
Mayan Ruins
Panama City Panama
Bogata Colombia
Cali Colombia
Popayan Colombia
Ipiales Colombia
Quito Ecuador
Galapagos Is. Ecuador
Puerto Ayoro Galapagos
Guayaquil Ecuador
Cuenca Ecuador
Tumbes Peru
Lima Peru
Nazca Peru
Cuzco Peru
Ollantaytambo Peru
Machu Picchu Peru
Machu Picchu Photos
Cuzco Again
Lake Titicaca Peru
Lake Titicaca Photos
Copacabana Bolivia
La Paz Bolivia
Arica Chile
Iquique Chile
Antofagasta Chile
Santiago Chile 1
Valparaiso Chile
Santiago Chile 2
Easter Island Chile
Santiago Chile 3
Chillan Chile
Valdivia Chile
Puerto Montt Chile
Castro Chile
Chaiten Chile
Coyhaique Chile
Puerto Chacabuco Chile
Coyhaique Chile
Punta Arenas Chile
Puerto Natales Chile
Punta Arenas Chile
Puerto Williams Chile
Ushuaia Argentina
Buenos Aires Argentina
Puerto Iguazu Argentina
Montevideo Uruguay
Colonia Uraguay
Caracas Venezuela
Ciudad Bolivar Venezuela
Puerto Ordaz Venezuela
Porlamar Venezuela
PortOSpain Trinidad
Georgetown Guyana
Corriverton Guyana
Paramaribo Suriname
Cayenne French Guiana
Pointa A Pitre Guadaloupe
Gosier Guadeloupe
Dominican Republic
Miami Florida
Back Home in California
 21 June 2005
Greetings from
Big Bear Lake California,
As has been my habit during
past sojourns, I will again share "postcards" with those friends who have
indicated an interest in receiving them. This time I have prepared a
framework in my extensive web site to make it easier to keep my field
notes organized.
I have my one way ticket
to San Jose Costa Rica leaving noon Tuesday, 21 June with a brief stop in
Mexico City. After a few days in San Jose to make onward travel plans I'll
be heading back north through Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala,
Belize and then back down to San Jose where I'll try to figure out a way
to get into Venezuela through Panama. These are just some initial thoughts
and are sure to change as serendipity offers more interesting variations.
I've done more planning for this trip than any of
the others and have tried to gather as much information about each of my
possible destinations as possible. Some of the postcards, no doubt will
come from places in the list to the left, but you may be sure to see
messages from many other towns and places not on the starting list. So,
stay tuned. My first "stop" will be in a hotel near the LAX airport to
simplify starting logistics;
Hotel Hacienda, 525
N. Sepulveda Blvd. El Segundo, California 90245 Phone: (310) 615-0015
Fred L Bellomy
22 June 2005
Made it to San
Jose Costa Rica and
thought a few people might like to know. This damned keyboard is as bad
as the ones I encountered in Turkey. Neither the colon or question mark
work! thank goodness I’ve still got the exclamation mark and apostrophe!
It is raining outside so I ducked into this cyber cafe close to the KFC
store where I stopped for a Pepsi. It is not really raining, more of a
steady drizzle, but enough to get soaked on the long walk back to the
hotel. Just looked out and see the drizzle has stopped, so I too can
stop filling time with this keyboard dance. I mainly wanted to tell a
few people that I made it to San Jose and have found a good value hotel
near the city center. I’ll hang out here for a few days while checking
out the buses north. The Centro Colon Hotel is quite good for fifty
bucks... plus an outrageous 16% tax. With all the extras I pay about
$67 per night. The place has colorful and cheap restaurants, an
excellent view of the central park and is near several banks with ATM
machines... none of which will accept my new Citigold bank card! Getting
local Colones at a bank is an hour enterprise. The exchange rate has
been moving in our favor and now sits at about 478 per dollar.
Most of the color I remember from my previous visit to the city ten
years ago is gone, replaced by the inner city decay one sees in many
capital cities around the world. I am hoping some of the old traditional
ways will have been retained or recreated as I move away from the
capital heading north into Nicaragua.
Better take advantage of the lull in the rain and dash back to the
hotel. FB 14 June 2005
Hello from
Big Bear Lake California
The next postcard should
originate somewhere in Central America. As always, I want to be
sure all the old e-mail addresses are still valid and that only
people who want to get my irreverent missiles are on the
distribution lists. For the most part, I've annotated names of
those who have specifically asked to be included with an
asterisk. If you have never actually indicated your wish to
receive my oblique observations from the field, drop me a line
so I know your preferences.
Central and South America is where I break bones! Two arms in
Guatemala, one wrist and my trachea in Brazil. Let's hope I
manage to complete this epic journey through
Latin America without breaking anything else. Most of the
countries down there are dangerous according to the US State
Department. I've read all the
warnings, but one cannot avoid every
danger and still have an adventure. So, get ready for some
more white knuckle tales.

Paula Sandefur Party: Paula and A1

Paula Sandefur Party: Paula refilling her wine glass.

Paula Sandefur Party: Paula and Fred Bellomy at her 10 June 2005 reunion
party in Santa Barbara.

Paula Sandefur Party: Paula and A2

Paula Sandefur Party: Paula and Mary Freericks at her 10 June 2005 reunion
party in Santa Barbara.

Paula Sandefur Party: Paula and A3

Paula Sandefur Party: Paula and A3

Paula Sandefur Party: A4

Paula Sandefur Party: Paula and A5

Paula Sandefur Party: Barry White in interesting, but typical pose.

Paula Sandefur Party: A6

Paula Sandefur Party: XXX, Barry White and Judy Litschel. A7

Paula Sandefur Party: A8

Paula Sandefur Party: Ian Shadford is up to his old playful antics.

Paula Sandefur Party: A9

Paula Sandefur Party: A10

Paula Sandefur Party: A11

Paula Sandefur Party: A12

Paula Sandefur Party: A13

Paula Sandefur Party: A14

Paula Sandefur Party: A15 and Barry and XXX and Ian and Judy.

Paula Sandefur Party: A16

Paula Sandefur Party: A17

Paula Sandefur Party: A18

Paula Sandefur Party: A19

Paula Sandefur Party: A20

Paula Sandefur Party: XXX, YYY and Barry White. A21

Paula Sandefur Party: A21

Paula Sandefur Party: A22 |
Paula's Party June 10, 2005 -
taken while Paula briefly returned from her home in Hawaii to Santa Barbara
for a visit just before I left on my year long exploration of Latin America.
Most of the people at the party had been in one of her SBCC Adult Education
classes: hiking, yoga, etc.

Paula Sandefur Party: Paula and photographer Fred Bellomy
at her 10 June 2005 reunion party in Santa Barbara.

Paula Sandefur Party: Paula and Mary Freericks at her 10 June 2005 reunion
party in Santa Barbara.

Paula Sandefur Party: Lots of great food and wine provided by our hosts.

Paula Sandefur Party: Paula and friends.

Paula Sandefur Party: B1

Paula Sandefur Party: B2

Paula Sandefur Party: Judy Litschel and Ian Shadford take a break from

Paula Sandefur Party: B3

Paula Sandefur Party: XXX and Mary Freericks smile for the pesky cameraman.

Paula Sandefur Party: B5

Paula Sandefur Party: XXX and Mary Freericks and YYY. B6

Paula Sandefur Party: B7

Paula Sandefur Party: B8

Paula Sandefur Party: Judy Litschel and Ian Shadford smile? for the camera.

Paula Sandefur Party: B9

Paula Sandefur Party: B10

Paula Sandefur Party: B11

Paula Sandefur Party: Paula and Barry leaning closer to hear better at the
10 June 2005 reunion party in Santa Barbara.

Paula Sandefur Party: Paula and friends.

Paula Sandefur Party: Paula and C1

Paula Sandefur Party: Paula and C2

Paula Sandefur Party: Paula and C3

Paula Sandefur Party: C4

Paula Sandefur Party: C5

Paula Sandefur Party: C6

Paula Sandefur Party: C7

Paula Sandefur Party: C8

Paula Sandefur Party: C9

Paula Sandefur Party: C10

Paula Sandefur Party: C11

Paula Sandefur Party: C12

Paula Sandefur Party: C13

Paula Sandefur Party: C14

Paula Sandefur Party: C15

Paula Sandefur Party: C16

Paula Sandefur Party: Mary Freericks in the right foreground.

Paula Sandefur Party: C17

Paula Sandefur Party: C18

Paula Sandefur Party: Paula and friends in Santa Barbara.

Paula Sandefur Party: C19

Paula Sandefur Party: C20

Paula Sandefur Party: C21

Paula Sandefur Party: C22

Paula Sandefur Party: C23

Paula Sandefur Party: C24

Paula Sandefur Party: C25